Hey guys! A lot of people have been pretty interested in what they can do with their saved-up AVB “already vaped bud” or ABV “already been vaped.” Most of them are pretty simple if you aren’t planning on making any food. Firecrackers, for example, are super easy to make with your AVB but taste pretty terrible.
One of my favorite things about dry herb vaporizers is the AVB (Already Vaped Bud) or ABV (Already Been Vaped) you can save after your sessions. Smoking or combusting with cannabis burns the plant and leaves nothing behind. The heat from a vaporizer releases most of the compounds but leaves some behind, which works perfectly for edibles.
Table of Contents
How to Water Cure AVB
This Water Curing AVB Guide will show you how to water cure your AVB if you plan to use it in something a little tastier like brownies, cookies, mac, and trees, etc… I feel like the water curing process makes a HUGE difference in the smell/taste of the AVB.
See Also: How To: Make Chocolate Chip Cookies with AVB CannaButter
The water curing process can take as little (one day) or as long as you want it (one week). I did it over the course of three days, and that seemed to be enough for me, although you can take it further if you really wanted to get rid of as much smell/taste as possible.
This was definitely a learning process for me, so if I messed something up or you have a suggestion for a better method, be sure to leave a comment below or hit me up on my contact page.
Supplies and Materials
- A vaporizer (Here are my top picks: best dry herb vaporizers)
- ~30-100 grams of AVB (Already Vaped Bud)
- Cheesecloth
- Large crock pot or large pot
- Large Baking Pan
- Oven
Step-by-Step (oooo babyyyy)
Here we go: The first thing you’re going to need is some AVB or “already vaped bud” or some even call it ABV, which is “already been vaped.” This is just the spent materials that you collect from your vaporizer.
Next, you will need some cheesecloth. The size depends on how much AVB you are trying to water cure. I used about ~150 grams of AVB so each one of these probably had about 50 grams of AVB and I used three of them.
You can definitely use less if you want. This amount produced about two sticks of CannaButter for me.
Tie up the first strip of cheesecloth.
Grab the second sheet of cheesecloth about the same size as the first, flip over the first ball of AVB, and then place it on top of the new sheet.
Now just tie up this end and it should completely seal all the AVB in this little cheesecloth ball thingy.
I did three of them. Once again, you don’t need this much, but I was making some butter.
Set the cheesecloth AVB balls into the crockpot full of room temp water.
Place the lid on top face down and try to make sure the entire AVB is submerged in the water.
After a few hours, you’ll get this: pretty nasty stuff. It kind of smelled like tea to me.
Strain the water from the AVB cloth balls and set them on some paper towels. Dump the water and refill it with some fresh room temp water. Place the AVB ball thingies back into the crockpot and put the lid back on. Fully submerge the AVB.
Repeat this step as many times as you wish for as little as one time to as much as doing it for a full week.
After the third day, I noticed it took quite a bit of time to get the water dirty, and I was growing impatient, so I went ahead and pushed forward.
Open up the cheesecloth AVB balls and place the wet AVB in a large baking pan.
Place the AVB in the oven at 150-170F with the lid cracked. I had this in the oven for the greater portion of a day, but I had a lot of AVB, so yea. Plan accordingly for this. It will smell in your house too, so burn some candles or spray some stuff.
Once the AVB has fully dried, cover the pan with foil and freeze it overnight.
Here’s the final product! You can do whatever you want with it.
This process doesn’t completely remove the smell/taste of the AVB, but it does help considerably.
Water Curing AVB Notes
- You can also use a french press for the water cure. The advantage is the finer screen in the french press as compared to cheesecloth.
- You can avoid the drying step if you are going to make cannabutter with the butter + water crockpot method.
- Also, using distilled water can help a lot with avoiding mold, especially if you are going to water cure for a week.
This reddit thread has a lot of good info on water curing if you’re looking for more info.
I will be adding another blog post soon on how to make CannaButter with this AVB using the MB2e. Be sure to subscribe to my mailing list to be notified when it comes out! Thanks for checking out my site, and have a great day!